As we go through our day to day, we tend to be so focused on our own issues that we aren't truely aware of our surroundings. We, as people, have become blind to the brokeness around us. Ask & Ye Shall Receive is trying to break the mold. We are about sharing and encouraging others while providing the tools and services needed to help pass the blessings to those in need.
There are so many people living paycheck to paycheck, some even wondering where their next meal may come from. We have recieved our 501c3 qualifying us to do charitable work in this area. We are now able to provide non-perishable and perishable food items at our location. We need your help to reach the masses.
You can help Ask & Ye Shall Receive! Your support is KEY IN SOLVING THIS ISSUE! Would you consider being part of our mission? We are looking for donations in several categories, such as but not limited to: Furnture, Appliances, Clothing, Household Items, Food, and Baby Items.
Thank you in advance for your support! You donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to pass on the blessings to those in need.